Sunday, 15 March 2009

Your Suite, clean up!

Y'know those tacky penguins that you have a gazillion of? Yknow all those horrible looking.. free things you've bought... because they're free! You don't have to put them in storage, make a storage room, and lock it! That's what I've done! This is what mine looks like.
Another tip, if you have about 32 'Write Me Penguins.' try just putting 1 in your suite, 1! :]

Also, have a plan, what do you want your room to look like? Minimalist = less furniture, mostly white. Kitsch =Bright colours. Oh, and always experiment!


Why does it take three goes to save my new presentation? Why did it put a load of random accessories on my face? STARDOLL WHAT IS UP WITH YOU?! Pull yourself together, please!

Does everyone agree with me here? All these little glitches are getting ann-oy-ing. Please sort them out!


Friday, 6 March 2009

Katy Perry; At the Brits

At the Brits, Katy Perry was wearing a heavily patterned corser with leggings. I managed to make a 'Look a like' to this outfit on stardoll. What do you think?
Personally, I preferred the other outfits of the evening. But you can't say what she's wearing isnt different!

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Lily Allen

I have created a new club on Stardoll, it's called LillyAllen :] There are two types of people in this club:
-Lily Allen fans
-And the new age Lily Allen Models

Every model will have an interview put on here.
Like the idea? Contact coolcattitude